
What We Do:
All programming provided by Guardian Watch is vetted by our Board of Directors comprised of highly recognized individuals in the fields of education, business, psychology, sociology and child welfare.
The stakeholders we serve, including judges, guardians ad litem, foster parents, relative caregivers, social agencies, the school district, and our grant funders, are provided with data and anecdotal records supporting each student’s progress in both the academic and affective domains.
Transportation is also provided to qualifying students on an individual basis, to and from the program.
Guardian Watch Inc.
Our Managed Education Program (MEP) is a program of Guardian Watch, Inc., our non-profit 501(c)3. Conceptualized with unique components, MEP is framed by a scientific approach that includes social psychology and resiliency theory.
Central to the program is an inquiry-based educational model framed by the importance of promoting student thinking, reasoning and analyses framed by a socio-cultural “whole-child” approach. This and any other program offered under the auspices of Guardian Watch, Inc. recognizes learning as contextually embedded within the socio-economic, cultural and linguistic realities of each child served.
Academic Focus
Academiclly, students are supported in two broad areas. The first, is the current academic demands of their school setting. Students are guided to organize the demands of that setting, gain cognizance of the importance of organization to meet the demands and are assisted in a 1:5 ratio to successfully meet assignment submission due dates and successful completion and understanding of assignments their assignments.
The second area is the foundational skills which are recognized as deficiencies the student brings to the our setting. These may be foundational skills in reading or mathematics, which the student may have not mastered previously in school and now render the student functioning below grade level. These deficiencies are ones we uncover through a baseline assessment each student completes when they enter the program. Our educators work with students to develop goals to improve specifically in these areas.
Academic Focus
Character Development and Social/Emotional Focus
Apart from the deliberate academic focus on each student’s Individual Educational Plan, this program also focuses on the development of resilience, moral reasoning, decision making, work readiness and critical life skills that will render our students capable of pursuing sustainable and independent lives.
All of the interventions used in MEP are framed by evidence based, research based programming, which involve not only strengthening of academic skills, but also growth in the area of social responsibility and emotional health.
Students engage in activities of a selfrefletive nature that take them from recognizing the significant life events that have brought to where they presently are, to a series of activities that afford them mastering their lives with the goal of gaining the type of empowerment that comes from helping others.
Program HighLights:
Above 80% participation rate.
Approximately 90% pass rate for all courses participants were enrolled in
Average increase in grade point average was around .77 (almost one full letter grade)
100% gang dissuasion reported
Each child is provided a nutritious meal at each session.
Our seating will always be limited! Therefore every individual entering our programs, no matter what their unique situation is, both socially and academically, must sign our Agreement and commit to being respectful, attend session on time and perform at their best while with us. We, in return, commit to them that no matter how bad their grades or how dire their past, we will leave no resource unused, no contact undeveloped and no effort unspent to make them successful. If an individual cannot adhere to our Agreement we will give his or her seat to someone who will.
Baseline and On-Going Assessments
Upon entering the program students complete an online self-adaptive assessment in the areas of reading and mathematics. The assessment yields reports which provide grade level performance data within each content area, highlighting areas of strength as well as specific deficiencies and examples of activities suggested for remediation.
Results are generated in both graphic data tables as well as narratives made available to the student’s teacher(s) at school as well as a report specifically for the parent or caregiver. These reports serve as the basis for communication between those able to support the student and his/her progress. Assessments are repeated periodically to gauge student progress and warranted adjustments to a student’s Individual Education Plan
Individual Education Plans
Each student has an Individual Education Plan developed exclusively for them with both academic and affective goals that the student and teacher develop together. After each session the teacher creates a short narrative illustrating the accomplishments and challenges of the session with reference to the next session and perceived student needs.
The establishment of communication inherent in the design of our program, positions Guardian Watto advocate for the well-being of students. Parents and caregivers are provided the opportunity of designating Guardian Watch as an educational surrogate for their child by completing the appropriate forms required by the school district.
Guardian Watch also supports parents/caregivers by accompanying them and/or guiding them in the event of a parent/teacher conference. Parents are guided to understand the positive ways of navigating through the school system and the most appropriate ways to work together with school teachers and court personnel in support of their child.